Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Shaking things up

Are you stuck in a plateau? Have you found yourself in the gain/lose plane where you gain a little and loose a little every day with no net lose? Welcome to the frustrating plateau experience!

This is actually a totally natural condition - it happens when you get to a spot when you are burning about the same number of calories that are you consuming. Even though this is totally frustrating for those of us dieting, there are some easy "fixes" to get you back on track.

In a word, you need to "shake things up". Change something - get your body out of the "rut" it put itself in. One way is simply adding Accelerate to your daily plan. Accelerate is formulated to boost your metabolism - in a totally natural way. Taking two before exercise gives you the added lift of increasing the energy you burn while working out (or even doing nothing!).

While we are on the topic of exercise, you should also shake up your exercise routine. Try something TOTALLY different - get out of your comfort zone. This is different for EVERYONE - so give it some though about what you can do that will be disruptive to your routine that will get "your fat burning furnace" fired up.

But probably the best way to get through a plateau is do another 8 day plan. The 8 day gets your metabolism totally ignited and is the sure way to step up the engine.

And just so you know, this isn't just "random" advice - I am down 83 lbs since 11/27/12. I have seen my share of plateau's and this advice is what is definitely working for me!

Lastly - I am publishing a monthly newsletter that outlines what I am doing, the recipes I am eating, and more. If you would like to get on the list, send me an email!

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