Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Day 1

A few days ago, I decided to take the plunge and try using the Xyngular products as part of my nutrition plan. This blog is intended to capture the first 8 days of my journey. And who knows, it may be just the beginning.

Before I outline my day 1, it would be good to know a little bit about me, and what my concerns are around nutrition. With that in mind, let me introduce myself a little.

I struggled with weight on and off throughout high school. Even though I was active in sports, I found it difficult to eat normal portions - or make healthy food choices. This eating behavior continued on through college. I would from time to time get frustrated with my appearance and try any diet that seemed reasonable.

Over the years, I am pretty sure I have tried them all. I even tried many that are not based on sound nutrition - I really didn't care. I wanted a quick fix.

Sadly, it didn't work for me. Finally, in 2004, I decided to do something far more drastic. I chose gastric bypass. I had reached a point (over 500 lbs) where it was do something serious or not see my 50th birthday.

I am delighted to say that for me, gastric bypass indeed saved my life. To give you an idea, here is a photo that compares pre-op to 25 weeks out:

I was thrilled. In 25 weeks, I had lost over HALF of my body weight! I was able to do ALL kinds of things that I hadn't been able to do in YEARS! Simple things like tieing your shoe, crossing your legs, and so much more were all new to me. I had more energy that I can ever remember having. I embraced an active lifestyle - working out 3 or 4 times a week just because it was fun!

Here I am after about a year. I had hit my goal weight (200 lbs) and feeling great!

I was literally a new man! Of course I lived by "pouch rules" (ask any gastric bypass patient about them) and it was just a part of me. Food was simply fuel - and I had so much energy I looked forward to burning it right back off again.

It was about at this time that I discovered something that I regret to this day. You see, all through the weight loss time I was following my Doctor's instructions to the letter. One of those instructions was to avoid "liquid calories" - they are empty calories and not good for you. At the very least, moderation should be the rule.

So - my great discovery was when I introduced beer into my diet. At first, it was GREAT! One beer and I had SUCH a buzz on! Better yet, I would sober up within 10 minutes. It was AMAZING! I initially thought of this as one of my "weight loss tricks" - just like crossing my legs or being able to do 20 push ups. Had I remembered the moderation guideline, this would have been fine.

Sadly, I didn't remember it.

Even worse, with my new stomach, liquids are not stored in my stomach. They flow straight through and are immediately into your system. Takeing a drink of anything is similar in effect as getting an IV. That means that it was EASY to drink a lot: I would get drunk and sober up almost immediately. I would never get full or that aweful bloated feeling of too much beer (for people with normal stomachs).

It was very gradual for me. At first, it was a couple of beers a night. That kept growing until I became concerned not only about the weight gain, but also a new problem: alcoholism. Clearly, at drinking an 18 pack (or more) a day, I was an alcoholic.

I sought help. My Doctor directed me to AA. That seemed like a good idea. I quit drinking cold turkey. I faithfully attended meetings. I committed myself to the 12 steps. But I was miserable. It wasn't so much that I craved beer, it was that the kinds of things AA is fantastic at providing simply weren't working for me.

After about a year, I quit going to AA meetings. I stayed away from beer for the most part for a good 6 months. What I couldn't get back to was the excercise part of my life. I simply didn't have the energy. I went into full couch potatoe mode unable to get off of my chair. Again, I was still miserable. I did loose about 20 lbs over the 6 months I wasn't drinking - which was good. That got me back down to about 280 lbs - but still no energy to do the things I KNOW I need to do to be healthy.

So - since I was sitting in the chair ANYWAY, with absolutely no energy, I went back to drinking beer. This time, getting back to an 18 pack a day was EASY. Feeling frustrated, lacking energy, and in general being miserable, I stumbled upon the Xyngular products.

I was intrigued by the program laid out. So - here I go again. This blog post is my diary about how I am doing on the system.

I am doing the 8 day challenge. I know my body is capable of loosing weight quickly - so I fully expect that I will achieve the 8 lb loss suggested in the literature. As I write this, it isn't time for my "evening protein". But I can say this about day 1: I already feel like I have more energy than I normally have this time of day. So much so, that when I was invited to a meeting to hear about the business opportunity of selling the product tonight, I accepted. Normally, I would bail just because I was too exhausted from the day. Today is different - I am actually looking forward to heading out tonight!

So - my day started with a glass of water and a Xyng capsule.

45 minutes later, I had a Lean shake (with the Super Fruit). Shortly afterword, I took 2 Axion tablets.

For a morning snack, I had 6 ozs of chicken breast.

For lunch, I had another Lean shake (with the Super Fruit).

About an hour later, I had to Accelerate tablets

For an afternoon snack, I  had 6 oz of lean ham

I still have dinner and bedtime to go. For dinner, I am going to have a Lean shake (with the Super Fruit). At bedtime, I will take 2 flush tablets and a cup of tea.

Throughout the day, I have been drinking water. Since water doesn't really fill me up, it is easy for me to drink a bunch. For me, Xyngular recommends drinking 155 oz's of water daily. So far, I have had 140 oz's - so that will be fine.

So - stay tuned as I work on this.

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