Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Day 2

So before I jump into day 2, I should probably finish all that happened in day 1.

As far as following the diet (drinking the shakes, lots of water, etc) all that went without a hitch. The really weird thing was that we had been invited to a Xyngular presentation at 7:00 PM that night. Normally (as in before I started using the products) I would have passed on this because I would be too tired to head out at that time of night after a very long work day. So the weird thing was that I not only had the energy to do it, I actually had some "spring" in my step about getting there!

We got to our upline distributor's home and were immediately made to feel very welcome. The room she had was full - lots of distributor's and people that were just looking for more information. We watched a short video (about the products and the company) and then many of the distributors took turns sharing their stories.

Although each person's story was unique, there were many things that were common in all the stories. The two elements that everyone had was some measurable success in weight loss and improvement in one (or for some many) health issue. What struck me most about the health improvements was the kinds of things people were reporting. They ranged from "my insulin levels are normal" to "my blood platlet levels are improving dramatically". I guess the surprising part for me was that the things that got better are things that are scientfically measured and not a general "I have more energy".

Of course, that was another common comment - "I have more energy". I suppose I really expected that response as even in my first day, I had a recognizable increase in my energy as well. I actually headed out that time of night on a cold day after a hard day at work. Very cool!

Comming home it was time to get ready for bed. My last Xyngular product of the day was taking my Flush pills. These pills are intended to clense you lower intestine (amoung other things). I had some apprehension as a gastric bypass patient. I haven't had a "normal" BM since pre-op days. So something that would "flush me" was kind of a scary thought.

The next morning, I had a BM and it was NORMAL! Pre-op normal! Wow! I was impressed!

The other thing that I noticed was that my lower back pain was just not there. I have suffered from a lower back pain that was, well, a real pain. When it gets bad, I would head to the chiropractor and after 6-8 adjustments, the pain would dissapate for a few months and the cycle would continue. I was long past due for a chiropractic appointment anyway. I was putting it off as I don't have insurance for chiropractic and money has been a little tight lately. Even after a full day at the office (and then some), mostly seated in a straight back chair - NO BACK PAIN!

My nutrition plan is super easy to follow. I am still mixed up on exactly what each of the supplements do (but the information is readily available online and from my upline. I also have the digital content stored locally for "fast reference". Right now I figure it is just easy to follow the 8 day challenge menu.

I suppose the other thing noteworthy about today's nutrition plan is that I was unable to finish the protein meals. I had a low fat turkey sausage for both mid-morning and mid-afternoon snacks. I used the Cheat+ pills prior to meal time. I guess I had about 3.5 ozs each serving (and not the 4-6 oz) as in the meal plan. Literally - I was just too full.

Another noteworthy thing is my attitude towards beer. As I shared, liquid calories were my achilles heel. Those I worked with knew that I was always ready for a beer.

So - today I had a meeting at noon at a nearby resturant. I wasn't ready for a protein meal nor was I ready for a shake - so I just had water. The people I met with both ordered beer with their meal. Both of these guys know me as a big beer drinker and were surprised I didn't order one. The truth is, I just didn't want one. I can't explain it - its not like I don't like the taste - I just chose to not have one and that decision was VERY easy to make!

In fact, as I write this, I am actually in a room with a number of software engineers debugging a problem that came up today. As is my companies practice, when people are at the office late we provide food and drink (and beer is one of the drink choices). My team was SHOCKED when I stayed with water. They have NEVER seen me act like that. When I added a Xypstix to my water, that totally freaked them out!

So - I decided to share what I was doing and what I know about the products I am consuming. The bad news about that is that we will be here quite a bit longer to finish the software debugging! The good news is that I have the energy to stick with it as well. In fact, I am feeling GREAT!

More tomorrow...

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