Friday, April 5, 2013

Great scale days..

This is one of those "just have to share" posts. While most of my posts are more about sharing what I am learning along my weight loss journey - this one is a more of a "toot my own horn" kind of post.

I have had 3 consecutive days of "great scale days". In my definition, a great scale day is when one of the following are true:

  1. Zero change in weight from previous day (e.g. weight didn't bounce up a little from prior days reading)
  2. A loss in weight from previous day
For me - I have lost ~1 lb each of the last 3 days! WOOT! Over the past 18.5 weeks, I have averaged loosing OVER 3.5 lbs per week! 

Ok - back to my day job.... :)

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