Sunday, December 2, 2012

Day 6

I woke up this morning and hopped on the scale again. I couldn't believe - down a total of 14 lbs! WAHOO!

People that I know that saw me today started remarking "You have lost some weight!". That is so good to hear - especially unsolicited.

Today only one meal was a "plus dense carbs" but is also an eating day. For mid-morning snack, I had 3 hardboiled eggs (using the powdered Cheat) and an ounce of lowfat cheese. For mid-day snack, I had 3 oz's of chicken breast and an oz of lowfat cheese. As I write this, I plan to have steak for dinner.

One change I am going to make - I am going to take 3 Flush tablets tonight. While my BM's are regular, I think I need a little more. So - will report on the results tomorrow!

One other thing I learned today is that it is really important to take a day or two break from the Ignite diet. The whole point of the products are to get your metabalism bumped up such that you become a "fat burning" machine. You need to "shake things up" to avoid your body finding a set point and making it difficult to keep loosing. So I am already thinking about what foods I might have during my "off day". The advice I got was make it stuff that I would normally have but isn't necessarily the most "diet friendly". In my case, that would be one of the following groups: pizza, mexican, chinese, or thai. Hmmmm - interesting to think about. Oh yeah - and I will probably have a beer. :)

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