Sunday, March 17, 2013

Anyone can start a diet..

Anyone can start a diet. Lots of people do - each and every day. The hard part is staying with it - even when you hit a plateau. Here are a few things I have learned along the way:

1. Keep a journal. This very blog is my journal - at least my public facing one. It helps keep you focused on what you are doing and maybe some insight of what you need to do.

2. Find a community. This can be as simple as finding a buddy or a family member to "diet with" to joining a larger community. Active participation is a very motivational thing.

3. Need a quick boost? Read others success stories. Even better if you know the person - but if not, read anyway. :)  Success stories are some of the best motivators. Remember - if THEY can do this - so can you!

What are your favorite tips for staying with your program when you hit a plateau?

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