Monday, March 11, 2013

Monday mornings

Monday's are a weird day for me - I am either excited about getting started with my week or dragging my behind out of bed. I can't anticipate which kind of Monday it is going to be until I get myself out of bed. I have had a few one of those "grumble Monday's" and it could have screwed up my plan. The "Grumble Monday's" left me susceptible for losing my motivation.

My cure is not very scientific (and yeah, a LOT narcissistic) but it helps. I pull out a "before picture" of me (in a very unflattering pose) and compare to where I am today. I will even do the whole "pose down" thing in front of the mirror. While I do see all the things that I want changed, I also see how far I have come. The numbers I have lost quit being "numbers" and get all motivated all over again.

Today was one of those kinds of Mondays. I hate changing the clocks (what a stupid idea). I really grumbled getting out of bed, and was just not ready to face the day. I have my before picture on my phone - and gave it a peek. Yes, I admit, I did the whole pose down - and realized I should feel great about the results I have gotten so far.

Then I stepped on the scale...... down a pound! Yep, its going to be a good week!

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